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BLISS 8ft X 6ft Acrylic on Canvas
This is yet another large canvas by Grishma which offers us the visual experience of ecstasy-well! The title says it all. Oh! Maybe not, there’s more to the painting than just the title, isn’t there? Works of art sometimes are difficult to talk about, when there are less descriptions than the experience itself. This is exactly what this painting is about, with little visual elements yet much to feel about. The grandiose of the artwork itself invites the viewers within its physical realms, allowing us to delve deep within its space, and beyond. 
In this painting we have a figure and a branch of a tree in blossom. Yet, these figures seemed to defy any representation of their presence in the natural world. The woman is clad in pure white whose forms are reduced to pure colours and minimal shape. It is hard to imagine a sense of space and time when looking at these pictures. Perhaps this is what the artist is trying to convey- to break free from our pragmatic perception of our environment in order to experience bliss and joy. 
Another observation in Grishma’s paintings are her conscious depiction of women although her intentions steered it is indeed a relief to see that she doesn’t conform to beauty standards posed by mediocre pop culture that we endlessly see in advertisements and Hollywood. Yes, that’s blissful, and relaxing.

The Pink Painting Features

With Shivan & Narresh Art Collection & Ann Street Gallery New York

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GRATITUDE 5ft X 5ft Acrylic on Canvas

One of the recurring themes that appear in Grishma’s paintings are her figurines lost in deep contemplation set against the bold and deep vastness of flat colours. This signature of her deep contrast between figuration and abstraction have been her trademarks since she was still a student in college. It is difficult to imagine a girl her age to have attained such calmness in life and her set goals towards spirituality while her contemporaries engage with rebelliousness. 
There are subtle hints of ‘maturity’ in this painting although one must not shy away from admitting that she was still an artist in making when this work was executed. The composition is strikingly different, with the figure almost making its way out of the canvas to the far left. The simplicity of this piece is the unique method employed by the artist where we can make out the figure only through her face and hands which themselves are abridged while the dress transforms into an abstract image. Grishma’s paintings are rich in colour; by rich we mean the hues are tense and deep. She uses two primary colours- deep blues and golden yellow which is balanced with subtle tones of reds and greens. There are certain levels of visual contrast and we see this first with her use of two contrasting royal colours-blue and gold. Another distinct contrast is that her work is both figural and abstract. Contrast in surface treatment is prominent- series of flat and even block of colours against rich textured often painted with a roller.
We can see an emotion that’s being held, although she’s made up her mind to move on. Her folded hand is suggestive of her gratitude, and as her closed eyes reminisce upon memories as she made a bold move out from her tamed world of painting, she set off from her space for a whole new world. This painting of Grishma depicting an important moment of transition.



OMNIPRESENCE 8ft X 5ft Acrylic on Canvas

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PASSION 5ft X 4ft Acrylic on Canvas

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JOY 5ft X 4ft Acrylic on Canvas


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